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English translation for "投案, 向司法机关自首"

surrender oneself to justice

Related Translations:
投案:  give oneself up to the police; surrender oneself to the police 短语和例子向国家检察机关投案 surrender oneself to the country's procuratorial organs
投案自首:  surrender oneself to justice [the police; the court]; give oneself up to the police [government]; go to the police and confess; voluntary surrender to court
自首投案:  surrender oneself to the law; give oneself up to the authorities
自动投案:  voluntary surrender to justice
向国家检察机关投案:  surrender oneself to the country's procuratorial organs
the lodger:  寄宿人
the servant:  墙内墙外
the secret:  疯劫
the faithful:  信友
the jerk:  开心大少
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